Police may need vehicular pursuits to stop the person trying to prevent the enforcement of stop, apprehension and search of police by escaping. While the philosophy of police vehicular pursuits is that catching of person who tries to escape contributes the prevention of public order, there is risk of material damages to death of police officers, escaping person and third person during pursuit. With the idea of minimizing these risks, the public policies about police vehicular pursuits regulates about pursuit vehicles, limit-up of speed during pursuit, the situations which pursuit may be done, use of force and police training. In Turkey, there is no specific regulations on police vehicular pursuits except for general regulations and right of way. This study aims to detect the benefits and risks of police pursuits by analysing police news on Haberturk internet news site published between 2018 and 2020 years. Furthermore, existing public policy is evaluated in respect of rethinking necessary issues and as a result, it is found that a new public policy regulating police discretion on police vehicular pursuits can be beneficial.
Police, Police Vehicular Pursuits, Police-Suspect Chase, Use of Force, Public Policy.