

There are some basis gains in order to realize a translation that can be evaluated in a quality, correct or similar way expected from the translator; acquisitions. It can be said that “language acquisition” is the basis of the acquisition titles that have existed until this time and are open to derivation. With the acquisition of language skills, the inclusion of other competencies directs the translator to quality translation. The main question is how the translator is required to achieve the desired quality translation and with in basis language acquisition, how to acquire other competencies. Foreign language teaching is given in translation and interpreting departments in many universities at the undergraduate level. This research proceeds through the curriculum review of the Sakarya University Translation and Interpreting German Department. With the compulsory German preparatory period, the contents of the courses given in a total of ten terms are examined and the methods applied for foreign language acquisition are researched. During the research, academic staff and a group of students who graduated from this department and are still studying were interviewed. Through the lesson plans obtained from the "Education Information System" website, foreign language teaching acquisition is examined in which courses, how often, and by which method, and in the discussion part of the research, the ideas of translation scientists on teaching academic translation are compared. According to this, it has been observed that the theoretical approaches obtained in teaching academic translation in Turkish literature are in accordance with the curriculum of Sakarya University German Translation and Interpretation Department.


translation teaching, language acquisition, translation and interpreting, teaching methods, foreign language teaching


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