
Özbek İcadkâr Destancı Ergeş Cumanbulbul Oğli

Analyzed in the category of anonymous folk literature products, epics are accepted as one of the historical resources of societies in terms of reflecting languages, pasts, cultures, value judgments and world views of the societies they belong to. In this respect, it is observed that these folk literature samples, which are seen as one of the narrative genres, are given significant importance and various studies have been carried out in this field. It is an undeniable fact that in the tradition of epic telling, inventors and performers playing a key role in the execution, development and transmission of existing epics are at least as important as epics. Nevertheless, it can be stated that Ergeş Cumanbulbul oğli, one of the leading representatives of the Uzbek epic tradition, is not well known in our country. In this review article, information about the life, personality and art of Ergeş Cumanbulbul oğli, who contributed to the shaping and development of the epic tradition of Uzbek in a broad sense and of the epic tradition of Korğan in a narrow sense, and about the epics he performed and the poems (terme) he brought to the tradition shall be attempted to be revealed.


Epic, Uzbek Epics, Epic Tradition, Epic Tradition of Korğan, Ergeş Cumanbulbul Oğli.
