
Tunus’un Modernleşme Sürecinde Ennahda Partisi’nin Yeri

The process of modernization in Tunisia developed in the direction of Burgiba’s and other state elite’s preferences rather than being a product of the developments in social and economic life as in the Western countries. From this perspective, the modernization process in Tunisia, though every country has its own reasons, presents an example of modernization processes in Islamic countries in general. Burgiba tried to transform Tunisia through a top-down modernization process, applying severe pressure and followed policies to exclude religion from all aspects of social and political life. His actions caused reactions and conservative parts of the society opposed his modernization and secularization efforts, though not openly for fear of being exiled or imprisoned. This opposition constituted the core of today’s Ennahda Party. This study investigates the place of Ennahda Party in the modernization process of Tunisia as a prominent figure in the political scene despite all the pressures coming from the state bodies. For this, people with different views regarding the party are interviewed via zoom meetings and Ennahda Party is demonstrated from the eyes of these people. Content analysis method and narrative analysis method are used to evaluate the interviews. As a result, it is seen that the party has both been influenced by the modernization process and has achieved to influence the process itself. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of Ennahda Party in terms of modernization of Tunisia.


Tunisia, Ennahda Party, modernization, secularization
