
Kazakistan Ekonomik Yapısı ve Türkiye İle Ekonomik İlişkileri

Turkey is the first country to recognize the independence of Kazakhstan and the basis of the relations between the two countries lies in blood ties and kinship relations. In this context, it is possible to say that the relationship between Turkey and Kazakhstan, which does not pursue economic interests, continues in a peaceful environment. In order to bring the social, cultural and political relations in a peaceful environment to the economic environment and to base them on a legal basis, many agreements that constitute economic cooperation have been made, and when we look from the past to the present, it is seen that a certain point has been reached. In this study, the commercial and economic relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey, which gained their independence after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, were examined. First of all, general information about the economy of Kazakhstan was given. Then, Turkey and Kazakhstan trade relations were evaluated.


Kazakhstan, Country Economy, Foreign Trade, Turkey-Kazakhstan
